Soplerfo - Discography

Format: MP3
Track Listing:
01 output
02 warm wall
03 swallow parts
04 on the plane on the way
05 mode to
06 ages ago it made sense
07 garo knows
08 lift it first
09 precipitation
10 and another day
11 obliv
12 Kyle's lament
13 Moving over
14 who knows how many more?
15 late on thursday
16 lumb
17 66 rolls
18 paper bags
19 garo knows (don mennerich's remix)
October 2, 2005
my first proper full-length. originally to be put out on the zod records label, though in the end, made available on this website for free. Go to the soplerfo mp3 archive to download it.
Dura Matters

Format: CD/2X LP
Track Listing:
various artists
Side A:
01 yuppster - mirror eyed girl
02 terminal11 - 7s
03 emotional joystick - this time
04 ground chuck - slowneck
05 exillon - dhme
Side B:
06 eight frozen modules - the frigid sigh got me high
07 otto von schirach - roach motel
08 com.a - miami planet
Side C:
09 curtis chip - non-working mouth
10 tangible - real left field (yuppster mix)
11 vaporizer - bilmstar theme
Side D:
12 soplerfo - all around and nothing
13 gridlock - displacement
14 binray - erkward
released on 1/15/2004 on zod records
cat#: ZOD.20
Brennschluss Remix CD
Format: CD
Track Listing:
various artists
01 Soplerfo's non-Sequitur
02 Datach'i Remix
03 Schizophrenic Deep Sea Rocketry Mix by Nau-Zee_auN
04 sp/oil Mix by Pleasurehorse
05 Adam Weishaupt Mix by Jekyll Island
06 Pneumatic Detach Remix
07 Eat Mix by Pine Tree State Mind Control
08 Cathode Ray Tube Remix
09 Neutronic Remix
10 Crisis Mix by Kolo
11 Morning Gold Fix Remix
12 Codec Remix
13 Lapsing Mix by Technology Will Fail
out 10/03
cat#: VSCD-010
a bunch of artists were asked to remix ukuphambana's track brennschluss from his Gritware composite CD.
Live at the Zeitgeist
Format: CDR
Track Listing:
live recording
1. Part 1
2. Part 2
3. Part 3
Released October 18, 2003
cat#: CRAB-007
This is a recording of my performance at the Sonic Blender Looping Festival on April 30, 2003 at the Zeitgeist gallery. It's an improv piece cut into three parts all done with nothing but the gallery's beautiful baby grand piano, a microphone and my computer. nothing was pre recorded and no edits have been made to the final recording.
EP for Dogs

Format: 12" vinyl record
Track Listing:
A1 - pull
A2 - why can't it make sense to you?
A3 - i want cookies in my sleep
A4 - ch
A5 - held on
B1 - slow progress
B2 - pale over
B3 - tame nodes
B4 - pale over (hrvatski's pale.overture)
Released June 20, 2003
cat#: ZOD.15
this is the zod records version of the ep for dogs - this one has a cool hrvatski remix on it, as well as a couple of extra tracks that weren't on the original. This EP is now available in the soplerfo MP3 archive.
Grounded Sound

Format: CD
Track Listing:
various artists
01. e*rock - "ice museum"
02. melodium - "impropre"
03. blatter - "UV"
04. misterinterrupt - "lashless lime"
05. ogurusu norihide - "guitar and piano"
06. state music - "fluorescence"
07. emotional joystick - "finding out"
08. don mennerich - "theme from post-industry"
09. entropy struct - "gute bit"
10. greg davis - "doras"
11. soplerfo - "another day"
12. charles atlas - "italian air"
Released May 7, 2003
cat#: GNDCD-01
a great group of artists gathered together by Grounded Records' Andrew Schrock - a good spring/fall type album.
Format: 7" vinyl record
Track Listing:
A1. plus
A2. obliv
B1. garo knows
B2. paper bags
Released august 31, 2002
cat#: CRAB-EP006
this was the first vinyl release on my own crabouiller record company label. This EP is now available in the soplerfo MP3 archive.
non_pod sampler

Format: CDR
Track Listing:
various artists
- 01 keith fullerton whitman
- 02 roman stange
- 03 client/server
- 04 soplerfo
- 05 brendan murray
Released May 2002
cat#: ??
this compilation was given out free at non_pod during the month of may. the name of the soplerfo track is 68 clicks
roman stange vs. soplerfo

Format: CDR
Track Listing:
soplerfo/roman stange
- barquillo de hostia (soplerfo's mixup)
- iaceo (sop's horizontal mix)
- drencrom (remix by roman stange)
- why make sense (remix by roman stange)
- ill gazer (matt and roman)
Released March 2002
cat#: KURDISTANG 005
roman and i each remixed a couple of each others tracks. there's an ill gazer jam at the end
EP for dogs (CDR)

Format: 3" CDR
Track Listing:
1. pull
2. why can't it make sense to you?
3. i want cookies in my sleep
4. ch
5. slow progress
6. tame nodes
Released december 30 2001
cat#: CRAB-EP003
this is the original 3"cd-r version of the ep for dogs which was later released by zod records as a 12" with some extra tracks

Format: 2X 3" CDR
Track Listing:
disk 1: soplerfo
- 1. left hand touch
- 2. eyes open (11d)
- 3. square
disk 2: IP-AK
- 1. live at lollygagger session II
Released March 2001
cat#: CRAB-EP001
2 3" CDRs - soplerfo on one, IP-AK on the other
sond eading

Format: CDR
Track Listing:
1. 22
2. 17b
3. 23
4. 15
5. 12b
6. 13
7. (blank)
Released august 1999
cat#: CRAB-001
this was my first attempt.
Format: tba
Track Listing: tba
due out in fall 2005
sam brelsfoard and don mennerich make music
Format: MP3
Track Listing:
01 open up
02 my old shoes
03 where did you say you were from again?
04 solvent
05 listlessly listening
06 the teens of may
07 kyle and lindsey, sitting in a tree
08 dry heat
09 which one were you?
due out Dec 05/Jan06
cat#: ???
new album - work in progress, lots of new stuff, different from before, exciting, yes yes...